Setting up services
  • 16 Sep 2024
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Setting up services

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Article summary

There are numerous configuration options available when setting up a service. These include where the service is provided, post-booking buffers, pricing, allocating and restricting which locations this service can be booked in, what staff are allocated, and many more.

It’s important to note that prices for varying durations can be set up on single service. e.g. 1 hour $60, 1.5 hour $90, 2 hour $120, there is no need to define separate services for each duration. This is covered in more detail in the Setting up a service section.

This article outlines how to create a service group first, and then goes onto creating a service.

Once services are created, following these same steps allow you to manage and update them.

Setting up a service group

Each service can be logically grouped within a Service Group to allow easier navigation for the client when they view information on your Services. It also allows you to publish a page specific to the service group if desired rather than individual published pages for each service.

For example, you might publish a single page for the Driving Test service group which outlines all the information for these types of services in general, rather than create a separate page for the Manual and Automatic test services.


  1. Navigate to Setup > Bookings > Services

  1. Click the Add Service Group button (if you have any exisiting services this appears below them).

Service - overview

Service - overview 2

  1. Enter the service group details:

    1. Enter a Service Group name

    2. Select a Default Booking Color

    3. Enter a Booking Page Note  (optional)

      1. Booking page notes are displayed on the calendar during the service selection. Adding information here provides opportunity to display requirements, instructions, or explanations for your clients.

        Services - new service group 1

  1. On the Publish tab, you can decide if you optionally want to create a whole page on your website to this service group:

    1. Check the Publish on Service Page

    2. Select the Published Action Button to display your desired text for action buttons

    3. Enter page content, such as text and images in the Service Page Content text editor

    4. Click Save

Services - new service group 2

Setting up a service

This section will outline the settings that are available on the Service tab. Please see the subsequent sections in this article which will outline the other tabs.


  1. If you have an existing service group to add your new service to, click the Add New Service link. If you do not have existing services, you will be presented with the service detail tabs for your first service. The following fields appear, and a table with descriptions is below the image.

    1. Note: When you’re first creating a service the Pricing and Staff allocation information may appear in this same tab initially too depending on if you changed the Onsite service/Mobile service/Fixed address/Run as a course settings.

Service - new - service 1

Service - new - service 2

Field definitions:

Field name


Service Name

the name of your service

Short Name

if your Service Name is very long you can add a Short Name so it can display fully on the booking screen

Service Type

if it's an admin task, the service won't be visible on the public booking screen

Service Group

if it doesn't exist please follow the previous steps to create it

Booking Color

colour-code your services so it's easier to recognise them when you look at your schedule

Admin Only Booking

only staff members can book it and the public cannot see it on the bookings screen

PrePaid Only Service

can only be booked by the client if they have a prepaid voucher for this service

Concurrent Service

if this service can be run concurrently with other services

On Site Service

(e.g. a massage) your service is offered from the main business location

Mobile Service

(e.g. a driving lesson) your service is offered mobile and requests client upon booking for a pick up and (optionally) a drop off address. (Note: drop off address set up via Business Detail > Locations)

Fixed Address 

(e.g. First Aid centre) your service is offered from a separate address in an Address text area field that appears below it when you select this option

Run as Course

is this service is a course or standard service. To see more about configuring a course, read this guide: Setting up courses

Post Booking Buffer

the amount of time you would like blocked-out on the calendar after the service is booked. This will allow you time to prepare for your next client, or drive to your next service. This buffer can be overridden for each staff member, see the Adjust post booking per staff member article

Intake Form

if you'd like the client to provide any extra information prior to the service they can do this on an intake form. See the Creating an intake form article for more information.

Booking Limit

impose a booking limit per client for this service ( Note: this is only available on the Nail and Scale plan)

Membership Restriction

if you'd like to only allow clients within a particular membership group to book this service. Please see the relevant section in the Creating membership groups article for more details.

Organisation Restriction

allows to option to only allow Organisation Administrators to book, or not to book, this service

Service options

Under the Options tab, you further configure the service to your needs. Some of the options include:

  • Setting up reminders and notifications

  • Booking and cancellation options 

  • Allocation of assets/vehicles

  • Commission management for instructors

  • Test details: show Pass/Fail, certificates, add Booking Reference Number, add Test Location/Time, enable Non-training Staff for the test

  • Any additional information for your service. e.g. the client must provide own manual transmission car for the lesson

Service - new - options 1

Service - new - options 2

Service - new - options 3

Show Pass/Fail option and link to newsletters

If a service has the "Shows a Pass/Fail on the booking" selected, then any clients who book this service and are marked as a "Pass", will be added to a recipient list which can be utilised with the newsletter functionality.

The pass fail option also allows for you to message clients on either outcome (found in the reminders setup). This option is excellent for asking for reviews - even if the service does not technically require "pass or fail"

Service notes

Under the Notes tab, you can configure how to set up notes on a service. Please see the Create booking note templates article for more details.

Service - new - notes

Service assets

Under the Assets tab (this could also display as Vehicles/Equipment depending what terminology has been set up). Please see the Booking assets article for details on how to create any service assets and then assign them to a service.

Service - new - vehicles

Service pricing and location allocation

Under the Pricing tab is where service pricing is set up for each location and for each service type you’ve selected (mobile/onsite/fixed) as you may want to have different prices for these.

Prices for varying durations can be set up on single service. e.g. 1 hour $60, 1.5 hour $90, 2 hour $120, there is no need to define separate services for each duration. These durations will then be automatically displayed for the client when booking (if that duration + any post booking buffer that you’ve defined) fits into the calendar slot that they're trying to book into.

Public client view of selecting various durations and services


  1. Click on the Pricing tab

  2. Enter optional pricing details:

    1. Credit Card Surcharge

    2. Upfront Deposit (this will be added to their client balance)

  3. Enter the price at each length of time for the service, for:

    1. The particular location that you want this service offered in

    2. The particular service type (i.e. depending on if you selected mobile/onsite/fixed in the Service tab earlier)

  4. Click Save

Updating the service pricing across your website pages

This will update the pricing displayed when booking in a service. You may need to add or change the pricing recorded on your website pages if they have not been automatically linked up, such as on the homepage or on the service pages. Please see the following article for details: How to make a price change

Service staff

Under the Staff tab is where you define what staff will offer the service, in which location (and the service type: mobile/onsite/fixed).


  1. Click on the Staff tab

  2. Check the staff members in which location (and service type) that will offer the service

  3. Click Save

Adding and editing staff members

To learn more how to create or edit staff members, check our Creating a staff member article.

Publish a service page (optional)

Under the Publish tab, you can optionally publish information and pricing details for your service. You can decide if you would like to dedicate a whole page on your website to the service, or just the service group, or none at all.


  1. Click on the Publish tab

  2. Check Publish on Service Page

  3. Enter the page content, such as text and images in the text editor

    1. For more advanced editing using the diagonal red arrow icon, please see the Adding a new section and subsequent sections within the How to edit your website using the website editor article.


  4. Click Save

  5. You can quickly see all the services (and service groups) which are currently published on your website as they will have little black arrows to the left of them on the Services summary page

Display service menu on website

For your service pages to show up you will need to make sure your Services menu link is turned on. See Editing the menu for instructions

Service marketing groups

Under the Marketing tab, marketing sequences and membership groups can also be allocated upon certain triggers for a service (e.g booking, pass/fail). Please see the Marketing sequences, and Creating membership groups articles for more details.

Services - marketing tab

Remove a service

Please see the Remove a service article for details on how to remove a service.

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