Creating an intake form
  • 11 Dec 2024
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Creating an intake form

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Article summary

BookingTimes allows you to create digital Intake Forms. They allow a client to enter any intake information that the business requires, and this will be automatically added to their client profile. They can be attached to a service, or they can be added by an admin to a client’s account as needed (including emailing the form to the client).

Intake Forms can be completed:

  • As a part of the client’s online booking process (see section below).

  • On your own device at your business location (BookingTimes will log you out for security while the client completes their Intake Form) and then added to the client’s record or booking. ^

  • Can be emailed to the client, and once completed will be added to the client’s record or booking. ^

^ For the last 2 options, please refer to the Manually adding an Intake Form article.

Example intake form

An intake form will also display the main client information at the top of the form (which can be updated during this process and will be reflected on the client’s profile), with the specific intake form fields appearing below:


Intake form as part of the client’s the online booking process

This feature is available on these plans (view pricing)

Kick Starter
Nail & Scale

If an Intake Form is to be attached to a service it means it will automatically prompt the client to complete it during their online booking process. For this, this next plan is needed. It’s not required if you as an admin wish to add an Intake Form to the client record manually.

When an Intake Form is included as part of the client's online booking process, the flow is as follows:

  1. Client makes a booking

  2. Client pays for booking

  3. Intake form displays to client to complete (if configured like this)

  4. Intake form is then saved to the client record (in the Notes tab for admin to view)

Note: the client will only be prompted to complete this Intake Form on their FIRST booking of this service. On subsequent bookings of the same service, the client will not be prompted to complete this intake form again.

Note: the client may choose to not complete the Intake form. If this happens, an admin will need to manually resend this form for completion (either in person or via email)

This article will detail how to create an Intake Form, and detail how to allocate it to a service if required.

Creating an intake form


  1. Navigate to Setup > Client CRM > Intake Forms

  1. Click Add Intake Form

3. Enter Form Name and Description
4. Click Save

5. Click Edit Form link

6. Drag and drop fields onto the central panel to add them:

a) Enter field details on the right

b) Drag fields off the form to remove them

7. Click Save 

Adding an Intake Form to a service

This feature is available on these plans (view pricing)

Kick Starter
Nail & Scale

Intake Forms can be added to the Online Booking Process to be completed after the booking has been made by the client. This is done by allocating an Intake Form to a service.


  1. For the intake form to be completed immediately after the client pays for their booking, ensure that this option is turned on:

    1. Navigate to Setup > System Settings > Business Detail > Bookings tab

    2. Check the option Intake forms to be filled in immediately after a Booking payment.

    3. Click Save

  2. Navigate to Setup > Bookings > Services

  3. Select the relevant service

  4. Under Intake Form, select the relevant Intake Form from the dropdown

  5. Click Save

Client view - completing an intake form

This the client view of when a client has been prompted to complete an Intake Form after booking a service.


  1. A button to complete the Intake Form is displayed after a booking has been made. When clicked it will take the client to a new screen to complete their intake form.

  2. When they complete all required information and click Save, a copy of the Intake Form will be saved against their client record.

    1. Note: if all required information is not entered, the intake form will not be saved. In this case the admin of the system will need to send them the intake form again to complete.

Client view - viewing completed intake forms

If a client wants to view a previously completed Intake Form they can download it from their profile.


  1. Go to My Profile > Profile tab > scroll down to Intake Form

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