- 05 Mar 2024
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Services overview
- Updated on 05 Mar 2024
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Services are a core part of the the Booking system. Each service is one of the offerings you provide to your clients that they can book in for, such as a:
Driving lesson

Setting up a course
Courses have extra features that can be set up in comparison to a standard service, such as running over serveral days and allowing and managing multiple attendees to book in. Please refer to the Courses overview article for more details.
You can create and manage services by navigating to Setup > Bookings > Services:

Services may be logically grouped into different service groups for easier navigation for the client to find what they're looking for. The example below has Driving Lessons, Driving Test, and Driving Courses set up as different service groups. Please refer to the Setting up services article to create your services.

Once services and service groups are set up, you can also determine if you’d like any of these to appear publicly on your website (with content designed by you). For example, based on the following services and service groups above, the published ones (the ones with a black arrow icon in the left hand side of the box) will automatically display publicly as a left hand menu:
This is displaying published content from the Driving Lessons category, with the Manual Lesson and Automatic Lesson services appearing below it
This is displaying published content from the Driving Test category
This is displaying published content from the Driving Courses category

Please refer to the Setting up services article on how to publish your services and service groups.