Publishing your products
  • 29 Feb 2024
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Publishing your products

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Article summary

For your product to display on the online store you must add a product image and publish the product. Please see the Store overview article on how to enable your online store first.

This article will detail how to publish a product, and also how you can link directly to your published products within your website.

Adding a product image


  1. After saving your product, click Set Image. If you don't have your product to add selected, navigate to Setup > Shopping > Products & Packages and select your product.


  1. Upload an image from your computer
  2. Click Save


Publishing a product


  1. Click on the Publish tab
  2. Check Create a dedicated product page on your website


  1. Enter the product details/description


  2. Click Save

Linking to published products

Once your product has been created and you have marked them to be published, there are a number of links now available that can be used across your website to link directly to this product.

For example, your homepage displays an image with your First Aid online course and it has a Buy Now button under it. This Buy Now button can be linked directly to the First Aid online course by copying the Add to Cart URL where the user is redirected to their shopping cat with the item already added so they can then purchase it.

There are several links that appear on this Publish tab that can be used across your website:



Placeholder Product Name

Typically used by the web designer that links to the Product Name. This allows product name changes to occur, and the text will automatically reflect the updated product name.

Placeholder Product Price

Typically used by the web designer that links to the Product Price. This allows product price changes to occur, and the amount will automatically reflect the updated product price.

Public URL

This can be used in newsletters or social media where you want to link directly to the Product information page.

Add to Cart URL

This links an image or text directly to a Product and will add it to the client’s shopping cart ready for checkout and purchase.

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