Creating discount coupons
  • 30 Apr 2024
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Creating discount coupons

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Article summary

BookingTimes allows you to create discount coupons. They allow customers to apply a discount when they book a service or purchase a product and are paying online. They can also by applied by a BookingTimes admin if you take a booking or a product sale over the phone.

Discount coupons are an excellent way to drive traffic to your site from your social media platforms by advertising a sale, and you can also use them to give a discount to special customers. Coupons can be set with start and expiry dates, and can be set as single use or if they can only be used by an admin if desired. You can also specify if they apply to services and/or products only (including specifying a specific service or product). 

Note: if you want to apply a coupon to several individual services or products, individual coupons need to be created to apply to each service/product. e.g. 20% off auto lesson, 20% off manual lesson.

This article will detail how to set up, apply, and distribute discount coupons. 

image.pngClient view of the discount coupon field seen on the checkout page


Setting up discount coupons


  1. Navigate to Setup > Shopping > Discount Coupons
  2. Click Add New Coupon

  1. Enter the following information:
    1. Coupon Code: the coupon code is a special string of numbers and/or text, such as: SAVE10 or SUMMER15 that the client will need to enter to apply the discount
    2. Description: a description for the code, ensure it describes the coupon uniquely as you'll see this as an admin if you need to apply the code
    3. Applies to: select if this coupon can be applied to All Services and Products, Services Only, or Products Only
      1. If Services Only is selected: select if it applies to All Services, or select the appropriate service from the drop down list.
      2. If Products Only is selected: select if it applies to All Products, or select the appropriate product from the drop down list.
    4. Discount Type: select if it's a Fixed amount (in dollars) or a percentage
    5. Discount Amount: actual amount (based on above in either dollars or percentage)
    6. Start and Expiry date: when you want the coupon to become available and when you want it to expire
    7. Single Use: select if it can only be used a single time, if unselected it can be used multiple times by a single account
    8. Admin Only: whether the coupon is publicly available or admin only. You may want to make the coupon admin only when giving a discount to special customers
  2. Click Save

Applying discount coupons to a product sale

Discount coupons can be applied by a BookingTimes admin to a product sale. This assumes you have a product sale ready to go and that you have created the discount coupon you will use.


  1. Create a new product sale, have the appropriate sales details and product added
  2. Click the Edit discount icon 

  1. Select the discount you want to apply from the Discount drop down list (this shows the coupon description), the total amount charged will be updated appropriately
  2. Click the Pay Now button and follow the usual payment process

Applying discount coupons to a booking


  1. Select the booking to apply the discount to
  2. Click the Edit discount icon next to the Service Discount label
  3. Select the discount you want to apply from the Service Discount drop down list, the total amount charged will be updated appropriately
  4. Click the Pay Now button and follow the usual payment process

Distributing coupons

To distribute a coupon, you simply need to share the coupon code you created in your promotional material. e.g. newsletters, social media, other marketing campaigns.

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