Creating a physical product
  • 19 Feb 2024
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Creating a physical product

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Article summary

Physical products include any physical product that you might sell in-store or online.

For example:

Product category

Product type (system defined)

Product name

Massage packs

Physical products

Relaxation oils and eye mask


Physical products

Nutrition basics book


  1. Navigate to Setup > Shopping > Products & Packages

  1. Click Add Product


  1. Enter the Product Name

  2. Enter the product Category

    1. See Creating product categories for more information on adding product categories

  3. Under Product Type, select Physical Product

  4. Enter remaining product details, such as Retail Price. You may also wish to enter:

    1. Cost/wholesale price: the price you purchased the product for 

    2. Cart Postage type: free or fixed price

    3. Postage Cost (if applicable)

    4. Barcode, Manufacturer

    5. Stock on hand

      1. Note: If you add Stock on Hand amount, and it will automatically decrease as you sell it. If you then get extra stock, you can update your Stock on Hand amount again. If the amount is 0 (or left blank), it will NOT appear on your website to sell, so this prevents clients from purchasing anything that you don't have stock of.

      2. Note: Please refer to the article Received shipment if you’d like to update your stock amounts through this functionality as you receive orders from your suppliers. 

    6. Active: select if the item is currently available for purchase 

    7. Click Save

New prod - physical product

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