Creating a product bundle product
  • 23 Feb 2024
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Creating a product bundle product

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Article summary

A product bundle product allows you to bundle other existing products. This allows you to bundle several products type, including prepaid vouchers with online courses and physical products.

For example:

Product categoryProduct type (system defined)Product name
PackagesProduct bundle 
  • Online driving course prepaid voucher
  • 5 x 1 hour driving lessons prepaid voucher package
PackagesProduct bundle 
  • Online nutrition basics course prepaid voucher 
  • Massage oils 
  • 5 x 1 hour massage prepaid voucher package


  1. Navigate to Setup > Shopping > Products & Packages
  1. Click Add Product


  1. Enter the Product Name
  2. Enter the product Category
    1. See Creating product categories for more information on adding product categories
  3. Under Product Type, select Product Bundle
  4. Enter remaining product details that apply, including Retail Price
  5. Scroll down to Bundled Services
  6. Select the products that you want to bundle into this product
  7. Click Save

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