  • 01 Nov 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

This article will cover how to create and send newsletters. Newsletters can be sent via email to all clients and blog subscribers, or to a select audience.  They are a great way to promote your services, keep clients engaged and share announcements. 

The best way to write a newsletter is to first write it as a Blog post or article, then create your newsletter. Search engines target your blog, so this will help in your search rankings. BookingTimes allows you to insert summaries from your blog into your newsletter with only a few clicks.

Creating a newsletter


  1. Navigate to Marketing > Send Newsletters
  2. Click Create A Newsletter
  3. Enter newsletter Subject
  4. Under Recipients, click Change to modify who the newsletter is sent to. See the List of recipients section below to explain the list of available recipients
  5. Under Sender, click Change to modify who displays as the newsletter author
  6. Click in the text box to edit newsletter content
    • Click a placeholder from the right to insert it into your message (a place holder will automatically populate with the right information for each client. e.g. @Sender will change to the name of the staff member who is currently logged in).

      Tip for editing newsletters
      You can click the red "X" icon in the text editor to open the drag n drop editor. This will give you special text and image blocks you can drag onto the page

      Icon to open the drag n drop editor
  7. Click Next button
  8. (optional) Check the box to the left of any published articles/blog posts you would like to include
  9. Click Next to see a preview of the newsletter (see Sending a newsletter section below)

Sending a newsletter


  1. If you're following on from creating a new newsletter go to step 3
  2. If you're wanting to edit and send an existing newsletter
    1. Navigate to Marketing > Send Newsletters and select the desired newsletter
    2. Make any edits and click Next to see a preview of the newsletter 
  3. Click Send... button on the preview of the newsletter
    • Click Edit Newsletter in the navigation if you would like to go back and make further changes and repeat above steps
  4. Click Send Test Email button
    • This will send a test newsletter to your email address so you can check if it is formatted correctly
  5. Click the large red button image on the left to send to all recipients

Copying a newsletter


  1. Navigate to Marketing > Send Newsletters and select the desired newsletter you wish to send again
  2. Click Send Again... button
  3. Click Copy to a new Newsletter link
  4. Follow the remaining steps to send the newsletter (and to a potentially different list of recipients)

List of recipients 

When you click on Change link next to the Recipients, a Choose Recipients popup will appear. This list is automatically created based on certain groups of recipients, depending on what is set up for you business. For example:

  • All instructors/organisations/clients
  • Only the sender’s clients
  • Clients with upcoming birthdays
  • Clients with no upcoming bookings
  • Clients who pass a particular service *
  • Clients who pass any service in a service category *
  • Clients who are part of a membership group

Simply select the desired group of recipients you wish to send the newsletter, noting that only 1 group is able to be selected.

* Note
These client recipients will only appear for services that have been set up with the "Shows a Pass/Fail on the Booking." option selected. See the Adding a service article for details.


  1. Click on Change link to set the recipients to send the newsletter to

  1. Select the desired recipient category to send to

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