Organizations overview
  • 11 Apr 2024
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Organizations overview

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Article summary

BookingTimes allows you to create organisation, which is essentially a shell that’s set up around a group of clients that allow you keep track of bookings, sales and payments for that group.

There are 3 main workflows that organisations are typically utilised for:

  1. Clients can make a booking/sale and pay themselves

  2. An Organisation Admin can be designated who can make a booking/sale for clients and will pay on behalf of the organisation. In this scenario the Organisation Admin will:

    1. Pay as they go for each booking/sale

    2. Purchase prepaid vouchers (and allocate to clients accordingly)

  3. The BookingTimes system admin will set up the organisation with a chargeable account for later payment

Each of these workflows are described below.

1 - Client made bookings/sales

This workflow is the same as the normal client booking/sale process, with the exception that the client is first allocated to an organisation.


  1. See the Adding clients to an organization article

  2. Client logs in and makes a booking/sale as per normal process

2 - Organisation admin made bookings/sales

You can designate an "Organisation Admin" client from an organisation, to organise and pay for all the bookings and sales for organisation clients, on behalf of the organisation. 

This allows them to:

  • Add any new clients to their organisation

  • Make a booking/sale for any clients from within their organisation, or purchase a bundle prepaid vouchers which they will then assign to the clients within their organisation

  • Will be prompted for payment immediately (if the system is configured as needing upfront payment)

Initial creation of an organisation, and client accounts are needed for this if they don’t already exist:

  1. If the client creates the organisation from the public booking/sale process:

    1. They will create their own, and the recipient client account within this step, and allocated themselves as the Organisation Admin

  2. If the BookingTimes admin is to set this up:

    1. They will create a client account for the Organisation Admin (if they don’t have a client account yet)

    2. Allocate them as the Organisation Admin. See the Adding clients to an organization - Setting up an organisation admin article for details.

  3. Once the Organisation Admin has been set up they will:

    1. Log into the system and add any clients ready for bookings. Please note they can only see clients allocated to their organisation.

Now we will cover the 2 scenarios where the Organisation Admin will pay as they go for each booking/sale, or purchase a bundle of prepaid vouchers.

2a - Pay as they go for each booking/sale (no chargeable account)


  1. The Organisation Admin will log into the system

  2. Make a booking/sale for a client within their organisation as per normal process

  3. Make payment (e.g typically a company credit card will be used)

Please note that any of these steps can also be made by you as the BookingTimes system user and follow your usual process.

2b - Purchase prepaid vouchers (no chargeable account)

If an organisation doesn't want to pay as they go, they can also choose to purchase a package or bundle of prepaid vouchers up front, and then transfer each voucher to their clients as needed.


  1. The Organisation Admin will log into the system

  2. Purchase the prepaid vouchers against the organisation via a Product Sale

  3. Make payment (e.g with a company credit card)

  4. Transfers prepaid vouchers to appropriate clients (ensuring they have a client account already and are part of the organisation)

    1. Please refer to the Transferring as an organisation admin section in the Transferring a purchased prepaid voucher between clients article for details on how to do this. 

  5. Once the prepaid voucher is on the client account, the organisation's client themselves, or the organisation admin makes a booking and uses the prepaid voucher for payment

Please note that any of these steps can also be made by you as the BookingTimes system user and follow your usual process.

3 - Chargeable account

An organisation can be set up to have a chargeable account (dependent on which plan you are on) which allows for a negative balance and means they can make payment for services or products at a later date. A typical workflow for this would be as follows:

You as the BookingTimes system user:

  1. Books in the clients or make a sale for the organisation 

  2. Charges the booking/sales to the organisation's chargeable account

  3. Based on your business process when payments are required, resolve the account charges to create an invoice for the organisation to pay

  4. Payment can be taken by you and reflected in the system, or the organisation can log in and make the payment online

Please see Setting up an organization with a chargeable account article for more details. 

Full payment required upfront for bookings?

Please note that in the above scenario we are assuming that full payment is required upfront for any online bookings, therefore only the BookingTimes system users are able to make bookings.

This is set up in Setup > System Settings > Business details > Finances tab.

If you allow clients to book online without any payment, then they could make the bookings in step 1 instead, however, you would still (as the BookingTimes system user) need to charge those bookings to the account in step 2.

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