Adding clients to an organization
    • 18 Aug 2023
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    Adding clients to an organization

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    Article summary

    Clients can be added to an organisation when you have the Organisation in focus, or when you have the Client in focus. This article outlines both those scenarios and also how to set up a client to be an organisation admin which allows them to create new clients and bookings for clients belonging to the selected organisation.

    Adding clients to an organisation


    1. Navigate to the Clients menu
    2. Select Organisations from the side menu
    3. Click the Associated Clients tab


    1. Click Find and associate an existing client
      1. If the Client does not already exist, click Add a new client


    1. Enter the client details
    2. Click Search


    1. Select the client. You will be taken to the Client Profile
    2. Under the Organisation section, select the Organisation from the drop down


    1. Click Save

    Adding clients to an organisation from the Client Profile


    1. Navigate to the Clients menu
    2. Enter the client details
    3. Click Search


    1. Select the Client
    2. Under the Organisation section, select the Organisation from the drop down


    1. Click Save

    Setting up an organisation admin


    1. Go to the relevant client that you want to allow admin access to
    2. Check the Organisation Admin field to allow access
    3. Click Save

    1. When the admin user now logs in, they are able to book in any existing clients belonging to that organisation using the Book buttons, and they can also add new clients to the organisation by clicking on the Add New Client image and completing the details.

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