Prepaid voucher expiry date
  • 07 Feb 2024
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Prepaid voucher expiry date

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Article summary

You can set the global expiry date of any voucher or package available, as well as the expiry date per individual voucher. If a different expiry date is set on an individual voucher, it will override the global expiry date. An option can also be turned on to automatically credit any expired vouchers to the client’s account balance.

If you'd like to set a different expiry date for a particular client (which will override any global or voucher dates), please refer to the Changing expiry date of purchased prepaid vouchers article.

Please note that the voucher expires on the date that is set, so it can only be used PRIOR the expiry date itself.

Global voucher expiry date


  1. Navigate to Setup > System Settings > Business Detail

  2. Click on the System tab

  3. Under Vouchers Valid For, select an expiry date from the dropdown


This will automatically update in the Terms & Conditions.

Individual voucher expiry date


  1. Navigate to Setup > Shopping > Products

  2. Select the product

  3. Under Valid for select the expiry date from the drop down


  4. Click Save

Automatically credit expired vouchers

Prepaid vouchers can also be automatically credited to the account balance upon expiry. If this option is turned on, it also applies retroactively.


  1. Navigate to Setup > System Settings > Business Detail > System tab

  2. Check the Automatically convert expired prepaid to account balance.

  3. Click Save

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