Marking and managing clients
  • 28 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Marking and managing clients

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Article summary

This guide will show you how to mark an online course. The Action Required dashboard on the Learning menu will collate a list of items that require an admin to review depending on how a course has been setup. This could be be any of the following:

  • A quiz question with marked by assessor question type has been answered by a client and requires marking.
  • There are no identity documents uploaded by the client. Please see the Identification documents article for more details.
  • Identity documents have been uploaded but require verification. Please see the Identification documents article for more details.
  • Course has been completed but requires the final sign off by an admin.
Supercharged Marking

The Action All button enables a fast way of marking. When you click on this, the system will automatically navigate you to the next item that needs to be actioned until all items have been actioned.

Marking an answer

  1. Go to the Learning menu

  2. Click Mark Answers

  3. Compare the answer to the pass and fail criteria (if entered).

  4. Mark the answer as correct or incorrect


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