Google Business Profile
  • 21 Jun 2024
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Google Business Profile

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Article summary

It’s highly recommended for you to have a Google Business Profile set up and is linked your Google email account. If you don’t have a Google Business Profile set up yet, please do so here:

Once you have this set up, we highly recommend that you verify your profile with Google and that you complete all the information and keep it up to date. Google uses this information in its searches, so this increases your chances in Google including your website in its search results. More information can be found in this article SEO Overview.

Once you’ve created this and you’re yet to connect your website to Google,  when you follow the steps in the Connecting to Google article, this profile will then appear for you to connect to.

Google Business Profile permissions

If you are having trouble Connecting to Google, please check if your Google Business Profile has enough permissions, and then try the process again to Register you website with Google.


  1. Open up your browser and go to Google (e.g.

  2. Ensure you are signed into your Google account, you should see your profile picture in the top right hand side of the screen.

  3. Search for your business name, then click 3 dots on your business profile. If the below screen doesn’t show up, search for “my business” instead, and your profile should appear.

  1. Select Business Profile Settings

  1. Select People and access

  1. Select the account to update access

  1. Select either Primary owner (if there is only 1 account listed), or Owner (if there are multiple), and click Save

  2. Now try the Register your website with Google process again. Please refer the following article Connecting to Google.

Google Business information

For more information about Google Business please see the following articles:

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