Filtering your products page by location
  • 04 Jul 2024
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Filtering your products page by location

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Article summary

This feature is available on these plans (view pricing)

Kick Starter
Nail & Scale

A product can also be filtered based on a client's location. This means when the client selects their suburb, they will only see products (e.g. prepaid vouchers and packages etc) that are valid for that location.


This article assumes you have already added your suburbs. If you haven't please see: Surburbs, Regions, Boroughs


  1. Navigate to Setup > System Settings > Business Detail > Locations tab

  2. Select the Filter shopping cart by suburb list option

  3. Click Save

  4. Now Navigate to Setup > Shopping > Products & Packages

  5. Select the relevant product. You may wish to name it with the location name included to distinguish it from the other same packages valid for other locations.

    1. To create a prepaid voucher see the Creating a prepaid voucher or package article.

  6. Select Valid at to the location you wish it to be valid for

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