Adding booking notes
  • 08 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Adding booking notes

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Article summary

You can add Booking notes (also called Session notes) to your booking from the Booking Detail screen that are only visible by system users (not the client). A history of all session notes made for a client is viewable from the Client Profile. This article will demonstrate how to add, edit, and view session notes.

Creating booking note templates

You can also create booking note templates for each service so that they are filled out consistently across each booking for that service. Please see the Creating booking note templates article for more information.


Adding session notes


  1. Navigate to the Bookings page

  2. Select the relevant Booking

  3. Click the Notes tab

  4. Click Add session note


  1. Enter note text

Tip: adding images

You can also add images to notes from the insert link:


Tip: adding voice-to-text

You can also choose to use the voice-to-text feature on your mobile phone or browser to add notes to save time.

  • On your phone you can do this using Siri or Google. Ensure it's enabled for your phone, and then just press the 'microphone' button to speak and it will then convert it into text.

  • On your computer you can download a dictation browser extension. For Chrome here is a review on some different available extensions:

  1. Click Save Note

    1. Note: Draft notes are saved for each user as they're being added (before they click Save) and can only be seen by them

Viewing session notes


  1. Navigate to the Clients Page

  2. Search for the Client who's notes you'd like to view

  3. Click on the Notes tab

Editing session notes


  1. Navigate to the Clients Page

  2. Search for the Client who's note you would like to edit

  3. Click on the Notes tab

  4. Click on the relevant note


  1. Click Edit session note from the sidemenu

6. Make your adjustments and click Save Changes

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