- 21 Aug 2024
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Reminders overview
- Updated on 21 Aug 2024
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There are a number of reminders that are available in the system and sorted into two categories: SMS Reminders and Email Reminders. Multiple language options are also available including English, Spanish and French.
Each of these categories include a set of particular reminders that can be turned on/off and allow you to customise the reminder text. These reminders are triggered automatically after a certain actions so the reminder text should related directly to that action, and they are sent to every client that triggers this action. For example:
Bookings (booking made, reminders, moved, cancelled)
Sale of products
Pass/failed a course
Expiry of prepaid vouchers

To set up reminders please refer to the Setting up reminders article.
Timing of Booking day SMS reminders
Typically any Booking Day SMS reminders are sent at 8am. If you have services available prior to this, these reminders will be sent out the day before in the afternoon as to not violate any communication laws.
SMS costs
Email reminders are FREE, however, SMS incur a small charge as per the rate shown under Account Settings > SMS Billing.
Reminders vs Marketing Sequences
Generally reminders are for specific actions (e.g. booking confirmation) and will be triggered each time that a client triggers this action.
There may be scenarios where you'd like to promote your other services, or give some general pre-treatment and after-treatment care information to your clients. In this case rather than using reminders (which are sent each time), you could consider using marketing sequences.
Here the clients will receive a sequence of emails that contain the relevant information and clients are added only once as soon as they've been subscribed to that sequence, which is in itself triggered by booking a service, or sale of a product etc.
Please see the Marketing sequences article for more details.
System security SMS reminders
There are some SMS reminders that are automatically sent and cannot be turned off, as they are required as a core part of our system security.
For example, an SMS verification is sent :
For every new client who creates an account on the system
For password resets
There are also very small number of security alerts that are sent such as when a new instructor has been added on the system - essentially letting you know someone has been given administrator access.
Language support
A client can choose their primary language for reminders during their account signup. Website browsers can automatically translate your website content into other languages, so this option allows the email and text reminders (which wouldn’t be translated) to now also be sent in another language.
This option can be enabled via:
Setup > System Settings > Business Detail > Clients tab
Select the appropriate language under Languages Supported
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