Marketing sequences
  • 21 Aug 2024
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Marketing sequences

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Article summary

This feature is available on these plans (view pricing)

Kick Starter
Nail & Scale

A marketing sequence allows you to specify a number of emails to be sent at preset intervals to a specified group of people. There are many uses for this including:

  • Build a marketing campaign for people who have booked a particular service:

    • This can allows you to expose clients to your different services that they might not know about. For example, you could set up a general “Massages” marketing sequence (based on your service categories) which promotes all the other massage services. This marketing sequence would be triggered upon a client booking for any of the individual "Massage" services.

  • Send a series of training emails to staff members

  • Give customers a list of follow up courses that you provide once they've completed a course

Please note that clients are able to opt-out of receiving marketing sequences, so please ensure that any crucial information relating to a course or booking is contained within a suitable Reminder email.

No duplicate subscribers

Please note that if someone has already been added to a marketing sequence, if they get triggered to be added again (e.g. another purchase of the same product), they will not be resent that marketing sequence. They will only be sent that marketing sequence once.

If you're wanting to inform clients of any service specific information upon each booking (e.g. please remove any makeup prior to the facial appointment), then use the service specific reminders functionality which is outlined in the Creating reminders for different services article.

This article outlines how to set up a marketing sequence and its sequence steps, and the various ways in which subscribers can be added to the sequence.

Creating a marketing sequence


  1. Navigate to Marketing > Marketing Sequences

  2. Click Add Sequence

  3. Enter a name for your sequence

  4. Click Save

Adding sequence steps


  1. Click Add Step

  2. Enter Step Name - this is the same as the subject name used in the email

  3. Click and type in the text box to edit email message

    1. Click a placeholder from the right to insert it into your message (a place holder will automatically populate with the right information for each client. e.g. @Sender will change to the name of the staff member who is currently logged in).

  4. Navigate to Timing tab

  5. Choose Delay before sending

    • This specified how many days to wait after the previous step in the sequence (if it is your first email, it will be relative to the next valid day an email can be sent)

  6. Choose Time of Day to Send

    • This specifies which time of day the email will be sent

  7. Select Days can be sent

    • This specifies which days of the week the email is allowed to be sent on

  8. Back on the Email tab, click Preview to check the message

  9. Click Save 

  10. Click Return to Sequence in the top right

  11. Repeat this process for each required sequence step ensuring you have them in the correct order

    • To change the order of the steps click the Change Order link


We recommend that each client receives an email every 1-2 weeks for 2-3 months

Manually add sequence subscribers

The marketing sequence will be sent to all subscribers on the next valid day.


  1. Navigate to Marketing > Marketing Sequences

  2. Select the relevant sequence

  3. Navigate to the Subscribers tab 

  4. Click Add Subscriber

  5. Search for an existing client and select client OR

  6. Click Create a New Client to add a new client

Automatically add subscribers for a service

The marketing sequence will be sent after a customer books or pays for/attends a service.


  1. Navigate to Setup > Bookings > Services 

  2. Select the relevant service

  3. Navigate to the Marketing tab

  4. Under Marketing Sequences, select the sequences you want applied from the dropdown lists

    • A sequence can be applied both when a client makes a booking and when a client pays for/attends a booking

Automatically add subscribers for a product

The Marketing Sequence will be sent after a customer purchases a product


  1. Navigate to Setup > Shopping > Products & Packages

  2. Select the relevant product

  3. Navigate to the Marketing tab

  4. Under Marketing Sequences, select the sequence you want applied from the dropdown list

Automatically add subscribers for an online course

The Marketing Sequence will be sent after a customer starts an online course.


  1. Navigate to Setup > Bookings > Online Courses

  2. Select the relevant online course

  3. Navigate to the Marketing tab

  4. Under Marketing Sequences, select the sequence you want applied from the dropdown list

Automatically add subscribers to global marketing sequences

Global Marketing Sequences also exist and can be set up in addition to any others that have been covered previously within this article. Remember these are different to any reminders (see Setting up reminders article) that may have been set up for similar triggers.


  1. Navigate to Setup > System Settings > Business Detail 

  2. Navigate to the Marketing tab

  3. Select the sequence you want applied from the dropdown list for each of these triggers:

    1. Book a service

    2. Paid/attend a service

    3. Post booking

    4. Purchase a product 

    5. Abandoned cart

  4. Click Save

Marketing sequence - global

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