Adding and managing locations
  • 25 Jun 2024
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Adding and managing locations

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Article summary

Creating a location


  1. Navigate to Setup > Bookings > Locations. The location you entered when you first created your website will display.

  2. Click on the existing location to edit those details, or click Add Location to add a new location

    Locations list

  1. Enter the location details including contact details, address, map, time zone, assets/vehicles (if set up), time zone and opening times. Many of the default settings for options that can be turned on/off are suitable for most businesses.

    1. Note on Email address: Any booking confirmations for this location will come from the email specified under the location (not from the email that is set up under Setup > System Settings >Business Detail > General tab)

    2. Note on Google map: You may leave "Google map URL" blank and a default map will display based on the address entered. If you'd like to create your own map, please see: Adding a custom google map.

    3. Note on time zones: Ensure you select the correct time zones for your loccation/s to avoid the client being sent an incorrect booking reminder time, especially during daylight savings periods.

  2. The business hours listed in location setup will alter the hours displayed on your publicly displayed Locations page.

    1. Closing your day should also account for booking buffer time. i.e. if you stop driving at 6:00pm, you'll want to close the schedule at 6:30pm if you have a 30 minute driving buffer on your lessons. E.g. to allow a 5-6pm booking + 30 minute buffer.

Location details 3

  1. Click Save

Location service pricing

Prices for services and per location are usually first set up when the service is being set up. Please see the Setting up services article for more details.

However, if all the services have already been set up, then the pricing for all the services that are available for a particular location can also be added, viewed, and updated here via the location details under the Pricing tab. This is useful if there is a price update across all services for a particular location only.


  1. Navigate to Setup > Bookings > Locations

  2. Click on the relevant location

  3. Select the Pricing tab

  4. Adjust any prices and click Save

Location pricing1

Location suburb filtering

Under the Suburbs tab (or regions/boroughs whatever terminology you have set up), individual suburbs can be added to each location. Please refer to the Suburbs, Regions, Boroughs article for more details about the configuration options available here.

Location details used across the website

This section explains where the location details are used across the website:

Phone number on website header

Please note that the contact phone number that is displayed at the top of your website is the phone number that is added from your main location. i.e. if you have multiple locations, this will be the first one listed at the top according to the displayed sort order.

The main location is the first location listed under Setup > Locations

Phone number and address on invoices and letters

For bookings, the phone number and address that is displayed on any invoices or letters is based on the details that are set up for the location that the booking was made for.

For product purchases etc (where there is no associated location), the phone number and address is based on the details that are set up for your main location.

For this booking, you can see the location’s address based on where the booking is.

Location email address used for booking confirmations

Any booking confirmations for this location will come from the email specified under the location via Setup > Locations > select Location.

(Not from the email that is set up under Setup > System Settings >Business Detail > General tab)

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