- 04 Feb 2025
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Filtering your bookings page by location
- Updated on 04 Feb 2025
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This feature is available on these plans (view pricing)
You can filter your Bookings page by the suburbs that you service (also referred to region/borough depending that terminology you have set up). When the client tries to book, it will present them with a list of available suburbs that they have to select from first, before they proceed with their booking. This prevents them from booking you in a suburb that you don’t service.
This will also filter staff that only service the selected suburb accordingly.
This article will detail how to enable location filtering on the bookings page.
This article assumes that you have already added Suburbs to your locations. To add suburbs please refer to Suburbs, Regions, Boroughs
Navigate to Setup > System Settings > Business Detail
Click on the Locations tab
Tick Filter bookings page by suburb list
Click Save
Logout of your website and navigate to the Bookings page to test the suburb filter, which will appear as soon as the client clicks the Book Now button.
Suburb override by an Admin for mobile service
Please note that if you as an admin wants to accept a booking that is outside of your normal service area, you can override the pickup suburb restriction when you make a booking on behalf of a client.
In the Suburb field select “Other…”
Enter in the suburb in the text field that will appear below it
If a booking has already been made by the client but they wish to now be picked up in a suburb outside of the service area, an admin can update the existing booking and manually add in the new address by clicking on the edit icon next to the address.