2021 release notes
  • 07 Nov 2022
  • 32 Minutes to read
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2021 release notes

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Article summary

  • Private & Hidden booking slots are now identified using an icon instead of the word "Private" or "Hidden". This reduces screen clutter & makes it easier to identify notes. Clicking on the Padlock or Hidden icon will open the same screens as would occur when clicking on the word.
  • Staff are no longer hidden on the Daily screen when Suburb filtering is applied.
  • A global option to remove notes when clearing schedules has been added under Setup / Business Detail / Bookings / Admin Options. The default setting is to not remove the notes.
  • Products with the name "Tips" are now always treated as tips, no matter the product type.
  • Product sales can now have a different invoice creation and payment date. The implementation matches the Booking Screen payment options.
  • Checkbox and option buttons on Custom Forms have been changed to match the dimensions as the other custom form controls.
  • Added an option so that you can automatically book the last Vehicle. Based on Location / Vehicle settings.
  • Added new gender options.
  • Booking/Product/Expense Categories are now displayed in a new column on the Income report.
  • If a Client has multiple profiles under their account, they are first asked to which person they are booking in at the start of the booking process.
  • You can now specify intake forms for the Client to fill out for each service. The form is stored in the Notes tab on both the booking and Client record and can be edited for there.
  • Alternatively, you can open a booking or the Client record and click New / Intake form to create the form manually. In this case, it will log you out so you can hand your device to the Client. You can return directly to their data by using the Login button instead of the menu.
  • Trainer Suburbs are now available using the map icon on the Weekly Bookings page.
  • Suburb filtering no longer applies to courses or onsite activities.
  • Discount coupons are now ordered by name, not the date of effectiveness.
  • The option to filter bookings by Suburb has moved from the Setup / Locations menu to the Setup / Business Detail menu.
  • The places remaining notification for Courses can now be customized under Setup / Business Detail / Bookings tab / Remaining Places Alert.
  • SMS replies can now be sent to the Dashboard. From there, they can be acknowledged, replied back to, or forwarded to staff. You can enable this from the Setup / Business Detail menu and change "SMS" to "Send to the dashboard".
  • Custom Pages can now be added on the Kick Starter plan.
  • Account balances can be used for the initial payment of a payment plan.
  • Client arrival notifications will now send an SMS even when the person is logged into the system. SMS is still an optional setting.
  • Adjustments to the client balance now include the Invoice Number instead of the ID of the transaction type.
  • The sales search now shows deleted invoices.
  • Web & Email snippets can now be edited from the Setup menu without having to navigate through to the website editor.
  • You can now create Email Templates which can be selected when sending emails directly to Clients from within the system from Setup / Email Templates.
  • Permanent URL Redirects can now be added from the Setup Menu.
  • Payment detail links are now always displayed, even after the original payment has been deleted.
  • There is a new Payout Summary report to make it easier to view all Payout bank transactions.
  • Courses can now be cleared when clicking "Clear Schedule" by turning on option under Setup / Business Detail / Bookings tab / Clearing a schedule removes blank courses.
  • Organisation Names can now be optionally displayed on the Bookings screen. You can turn this on under Setup / Business Detail / Bookings tab / Booking Page Label section.
  • The Acknowledge SMS tick on the dashboard has been replaced with a trash can icon.
  • You can now Add bulk changes to your schedule. Previously, you were only able to make bulk updates.
  • You can now adjust Suburb filtering on a daily basis. For example, you can select to select Western Suburbs on Mondays and Tuesdays. Then Eastern Suburbs on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
  • Vouchers can now have separate expiry dates, overriding the default expiration period.
  • Cancellations can now block clients from booking until they've paid the cancellation fee. Please email support@bookingtimes.com if you'd like this functionality turned on.
  • Signups can now be age restricted.
  • Increased the maximum length of checklist comments to 2000 characters.
  • When moving test bookings, the test details are defaulted in.
  • The Suburb filter is now pops up automatically if you have more than 20 staff.
  • If the suburb filter is enabled, the previously used suburb will be used as default.
  • The recurring booking menu (on the Booking detail page) can now be turned on/off under Setup / Business Details / Bookings tab / Booking Configuration / Enable bookings to be automatically recurring option.
  • Moving a Course will now allow you to also change locality.
  • Public Suburbs are no longer shown when they are only associated with a Trainer who is not shown on the public website.
  • Administrator and Trainers Passwords must now be reset every 90 days to maintain PCI Compliance.
  • The Forgot Password page is now called Reset Password. Users can now also set their password from Reset Password, without "Signing Up" as a new user.
  • Added Drivers Licence Number as an optional prerequisite to showing the Book Now page.
  • Trainers can now set an associated digital signature. This can be set from the Setup menu or their Profile menu.
  • Products with no cost can now be added to the shopping cart and purchased for free.
  • Credit cards can now be added directly to the Organisation in the same was as adding a card to a Client record.
  • You can now optionally stop Courses from being created when a Trainer schedule is copied. This can be done under Setup / Services.
  • Booking & Cancellation notifications can be turned off for specific Services under Setup / Services.
  • Post Booking Buffers now include 90 and 120 minute options.
  • Merging clients now automatically adds a note to the client.
  • Increased the time given to payment gateways for processing credit cards up from 1 minute to 3 minutes.
  • Added a line to Terms & Conditions under Cancellations, stating that money paid on a cancelled sale or booking goes on to their account balance.
  • Made an change to the BookingTimes Terms & Conditions which outlines our responsibility for the secure transmission of credit card numbers for PCI Compliance.
  • Added smart caching so that website changes will not be reflected 3 seconds after a change, instead of every 60 seconds.
  • You can now add email attachments when sending an email to a individual client or to all course attendees.
  • The size of Digital files for Downloadable products has been increased and you can now associate multiples files with the product.
  • Corrected where an email cancellation.ics attachment of zero size was sometimes being sent.
  • Unpaid web sales for a client are now displayed by going to the Client's history tab and clicking on "Show Deleted Records". They can be manually marked as paid by Credit Card or POLiPay, however, actual payment is not taken for them.
  • Australian businesses store Blue Card details & have expiration reminders for trainers under Trainer Setup / Options tab.
  • Default Checklist comments are no longer displayed on the checklist screen unless they have been saved.
  • The dashboard layout has been significantly updated to show a lot more data - specifically around sales & revenue (for people with access to sales data & reports). Click the headings to take you to the relevant report for further data. We'd love to hear your feedback - support@bookingtimes.com
  • Added an additional security option for restricting the display of charts on the Dashboard & Report screens. If a user does not have access to sales data, then only booking data is displayed. Data access is also controlled by whether the user has the ability to view all Trainer Calendars.
  • Added an additional security option for showing all of the Web Sales data on the Sales menu.
  • Added an additional security option for showing Financial reports.
  • The Payment Forecast report has split the Bookings data into Admin & Web Bookings and the colours updated to match the new dashboard graphs.
  • The bulk change link on the admin Bookings pages has been removed and merged into the Schedule button.
  • Added the ability to add Facebook domain verification to a website's meta data - located under Setup / Analytics & Tracking.
  • There is no longer a limit on the size of a download file for a product. You can now also have multiple files.
  • You can now automatically CC client's alternate emails and/or guardian email addresses. This can be turned on from Setup / Business Details / System tab.
  • Version 1 of the new dashboard layout is here. Bookings that require checklists & notes have been split out into their own sections to help prioritise the data. Additional data to the screen will be added shortly.
  • Your website's colours and CSS can now be edited directly from the new Website Editor under the Style menu. (Stripe Connect customers only)
  • The Commissions report has had some minor tweaks to allow for a cleaner export to Excel.
  • Added an option for clients to upload an image of their driver's licence when they make a booking.
  • Cost of Goods Sold (Cost Price) has been added to the income report - Physical Products only.
  • Automated email blocks are caused when emails sent to a client's email address have bounced. These are cleared every automatically every 3 days and can now also be cleared manually.
  • EFT and Other payment methods can now have custom names. These can be set under Setup / Business Detail / Financial tab.
  • Booking invoices for corporate customers can now be sent to the Client or the Organisation.
  • Booking cancellations by "Other" or "Staff Cancellation" now require a reason to be entered.
  • Added Thinkific Online Courses integration. You can create and sell a product with the type "Integrated Product" and the client's account will automatically link over to Thinkific. Note: Professional / Nail & Scale plans only.
  • Send invoices with a Pay Now button to allow clients to pay unpaid invoices without logging in. Only available when you upgrade to integrated payment processing.
  • Expiring Trainer License and Insurance expirations will now send alerts to both Trainer and owner.
  • Client intake forms now only show if the custom form has an input field.
  • The shopping cart page no longer shows a credit card processing fee if POLiPay is a payment option.
  • Added a new report showing service type counts across each year for Trainer.
  • CC Email has been renamed to "Alternate Email" on the client record (aka Guardian Email). Automated CC's are not currently supported.
  • Paid bookings can now be deleted in bulk on the client's booking history.
  • Referral sources can now be maintained from the Setup / Miscellaneous / Referral Sources menu.
  • Access to Public & Global CSS changes are now both located on the Setup / Layout page.
  • You can now host files publicly without requiring BookingTimes to upload them for you. You can access public file storage under Setup / Miscellaneous / Public Files.
  • Added heavy caching abilities for your public facing website to better handle web crawlers that consume a lot of system resources and also improve system speed. Your public facing website is now updated every 60 seconds instead of in realtime.
  • Sending emails using our mail server (not website) will now alert the sender if the email bounces or is flagged as spam.
  • Added some display improvements to the way emails are displayed on phones due to recent iPhone changes.
  • BookingTimes is now HIPAA compliant. Contact Support for more information.
  • New setup & marketing menu navigation. Exactly the same, but common functions are grouped together. Also includes a new navigation breadcrumb at the top of the screen when heading deeper into the menu structure.
  • The Drag & Drop editor can now be used for emails & can also create snippets for reusing in other emails. The Full Screen Editor button is located on the toolbar editor next to the alert symbol. Only available when you upgrade your credit card payment processor.
  • Zero-penalty cancellations can now be optionally shown on the Commissions report. Can be changed on the Setup / Business Detail / Financial tab.
  • The option to reassign the client on an existing booking is now optional. Can be changed on the Setup / Business Detail / Bookings tab / Admin Options setting. The preferred way is to cancel the booking, transfer any money from one client to the other, and rebook the new client. This gives you full traceability of all bookings and money.
  • All changes to a client's balance, will now have a description on the balance history.
  • Newsletters can now be sent to clients of deleted staff.
  • Added some user-interface refinements to the public facing products & product screen.
  • Cancelled bookings can now be deleted.
  • Cancellation rates on the public facing Terms screen are now automatically consolidated to only show the relevant cancellation rates selected.
  • Refunds have been tweaked to reduce data entry errors, where some users had not entered key information such as which payment gateway transaction was being refunded.
  • The Client Liabilities report now only shows active clients.
  • Products can now be flagged as active or inactive.
  • Shared accounts now have extra information on screen to highlight to the user how to swap between accounts. This should reduce confusion by identifying which profile is being used.
  • The Guardian fields on signup, have been moved lower priority to better group data together and improve data quality from users.
  • The vouchers purchase screen now displays the instructions on how to redeem - in addition to being displayed on the actual downloaded certificate. If purchasing for someone on the same shared account, there is a new icon to book immediately.
  • Recurring bookings has been restored & works well across multiple locations.
  • Products can now be listed on the enquiry screen. Added under Setup / Products / Product / Publish tab.
  • Surcharges are now optional for services and products, if you're on the Advanced payment gateway.
  • Refunds now automatically calculate the tax to be refunded. Note: you need to ensure that the tax amount being refunded is accurate.
  • Find Duplicates on the Clients menu is now only shown if the user has access to all clients.
  • The pending payouts report now has the total collected for each day.
  • Cancelled booking SMS can now be configured to send automatically from the Booking Actions screen.
  • You can now view bookings from inactive and deleted locations by clicking on the Cogs on the top left of the bookings page.
  • All child invoices in a bundled, paid invoice are now unlinked if the bundled invoice is deleted.
  • Added additional refund information to the Refund screen to ensure admins understand how Stripe Connect processes refunds.
  • Single use discount codes now indicate to admin staff if they've already been used. Admin staff are still able to apply the discount.
  • The SMS verification screen now shows the phone number to which the verification was sent. This is to help people who have entered their phone number incorrectly to more easily identify their error.
  • Added additional handling for the website drag & drop editor to work with older websites. If it doesn't work properly, please drop us an email at support@bookingtimes.com and we'll look at getting it fixed for you.
  • Paid invoices are now titled "Paid Invoice / Receipt" at the top of the invoice.
  • Bookings for specified services, can now be hidden from the client's booking history screen. Setup / Services / Service Name / Options tab / Booking Visibility
  • Services with a test location, time or booking reference number, can now be specified on the booking confirmation for mobile bookings.
  • The H1 and title tags for the booking screens are now unique for each day.
  • The email on the booking screen, now shows send trackable emails inside the system, instead of opening up your email program.
  • You can now choose if clients can cancel a booking with a particular type of service under Setup / Services / Serivce Name / Options tab / Allow Cancellations.
  • You can now see a history of SMS, Emails & Notes on the Messages tab on both booking & client screens. This lets you quickly find a
  • You can now create custom snippets (or sections) with the new website editor (Stripe Connect customers only). This allows the quick and consistent creation of new pages in addition to the standard ones provided.
  • The new website editor now lets you change background images for each section. Click on the container and click on the photo icon on the side or bottom of the selected container.
  • Stripe Connect payout reports now contains transaction dates for each transaction in the payout.
  • Client search now includes the searching of a young person's Guardian details. If found by the Guardian's details, a small guardian shield will appear next to the search results.
  • The Signup screen has been changed to make it clearer who is purchasing and who is the recipient of the purchase.
  • Newsletters are no longer sent to clients if they have current email errors. This protects overall email deliverability from the reputation damage of rapid bounced emails.
  • Commission terminology can now be changed to a different term ie. Earnings.
  • Booking Notes can now be up to 4000 characters long - up from 2000. Only a partial booking note is shown and will be exposed after you click on the down arrow next to a long note.
  • If you allocate a Trainer to a client, a new tab on the dashboard allows you to see which clients are unallocated, and which clients are allocated to each trainer.
  • Domain payments will no longer absorbed.
  • Hitting "Reply" from an email enquiry will now reply to the person who sent the enquiry.
  • You can now add staff/client signatures against each booking to confirm that it has been completed. This is setup under the Setup / Services.
  • Website Leads are now prioritized on the dashboard over the bookings list. If you don't want to follow up each client with a phone call, consider creating an email sequence and assigning the person to the sequence.
  • Recurring bookings has been temporarily disabled while we apply a few fixes.
  • Course end times can now be hidden from public view. This allows your website to simply state 'The course starts at 8am' without hinting at the duration.
  • The Signup page now says "Student First Name" and "Student Last Name" based on the client terminology selected under Setup options.
  • Locations can now be hidden from public view.
  • Our new Knowledge Base is now live. We're adding content like crazy, but it's already much easier to navigate. You can get to it by clicking on the Support menu in your website.
  • Organisations must now pay the full price of booking and do not get the option to pay a deposit.
  • Improved the speed of the Copy Schedule function.
  • DNS changes have been made to help improve deliverability of emails. If you have an external DNS and use our email server, please point your MX record to 10 mail.bookingtimes.com and mail.yourdomain.com should be a CNAME to mail.bookingtimes.com
  • Some adjustments to improve Google's selection of the favicon on mobile view. Recent Google changes have adjusted which favicon they have been selecting.
  • A couple of reports were showing AEST timezones instead of local timezones.
  • Graphical reports now display on a single page, instead of over 2-3 pages.
  • The Dashboard has had a facelift. Actions Required and Follow Ups are now more prominent, and the Training modules have been replaced with a link to a dedicated training page.
  • System Administrators can now easily see & adjust all trainers allocated to a suburb on the Setup / Locations / Location page.
  • Client credit cards can now be saved on the Client screen.
  • "Client Duplicates" on the Client screen is now called "Similar Records". This helps you identify other clients that have the same mobile phone number or a similar names (ie. Same last name and a partial match on the first name).
  • Dashboard follow ups can be removed by adding a comment using the circular tick (or making a booking or sale).
  • The Liabilities report now exports to Excel faster. Added extra information around the client bookings.
  • New process flow for clients when they sign up when making a booking or purchase. They can specify if it is for someone else or they can as an organisation. This will help reduce follow up phone calls for people who didn't realise that they should have entered the details of the person for making the booking.
  • Clients can now add new user profiles to their accounts.
  • The daily bookings page, now has improved options for finding the next available time. Private timeslots are no longer included in finding the next available time.
  • Improved the user interface for organisations to help assist with the searching of people in the organisation.
  • Clients & Staff can now have accounts & login tokens created automatically using the "Send Login Link" from the Client and/or Staff screens. This sends an email containing a single-use link to create an instant login & association between the login & client record. The associated emails can be configured under the Setup / Correspondence / Booking Actions menus.
  • Clients can now see profiles & bookings of others if they share the same email address.
  • Fix: Yesterday's release contained an error where clients were unable to book using a prepaid voucher.
  • Removing staff calendars, now allows you to transfer the schedule & bookings to another staff member. The other staff member must have a blank schedule from the day of deletion onwards. This functionality is also under the Bookings menu / Staff member's daily + option.
  • The security option 'Reports Menu' is now 'General Report' access. Access to the Commissions report & outstanding payments/liabilities reports are now on separate security access options.
  • Saving a Client's Account Balance is now on a separate save link. It is no longer saved when the client record is updated.
  • When selecting a suburb/city/neighborhood, the client now has the option to Meet at the Office (if available), even if they didn't select "Meet at the Office" from the list.
  • Saving a Product's On Hand Stock Quantity is also on a separate save link and no longer saved when a product record is updated.
  • For driving schools, you can now search for a client by licence number.
  • Removed the My Account menu and replaced it with a new profile menu. This menu lets clients that have multiple client records with the same last name & email address, be able to easily look at their own record individually, instead of pooling them all under the one account. It also contains the logout menu.
  • There is a new section on the client record which shows family members. A family member is a person with the same last name and email address.
  • The exclamation mark (!) in SMS for booking reminders confirm link, was causing some issues for clients with older phones. This has been removed to ensure the confirm link works with older phones.
  • New Security Option - Control the display of client contact information on reports. This prevents the contact information from being able to exported in bulk by anyone with access to the Reports menu.
  • New Security Option - Control access to trainers commission rates in Staff Setup, and to the Commission report.
  • New Security Option - Control access to admins ability to create sales, quotes & expenses.
  • Suburbs can now have fixed address meeting points.
  • Added an extra security menu to the Setup screens menu for visibility. It is still on the Setup / Staff menu as a big padlock.
  • Passwords must now be at least 7 characters long and include 1 number.
  • Added new booking page icons for New Clients with Paid Bookings.
  • Added online booking count to the Location Activity Report.
  • Pass/Fail report now shows clients who have not yet been not marked with a pass or fail.
  • Custom pages can now be copied.
  • Added an extra security menu to the Setup screens menu for visibility. It is still on the Setup / Staff menu as a big padlock.
  • Added security option to allow/remove access to determine if a client is allowed to a run a chargeable account/negative balance.
  • Added security option to allow/remove access to refunds.
  • New anti-spam option to allow you to restrict people from submitting enquiries on your website from other countries. Setup / Business Detail / System tab / Spam Prevention. The Country name of the person submitting the Enquiry is now also included in each website enquiry.
  • A new payouts report for Stripe Connect payment transactions is on the Reports menu. This shows the contents of each banking payout. Shortly, this an email will also be sent when a payout happens.
  • Administrators can now transfer schedules & bookings between staff members. Ideally suited when staff calendars are replaced with new calendars.
  • Enquiries are being enhanced to stop spam. They now contain the user's country which you'll be able to block in the future.
  • Added support for Amex cards with USB card swipers.
  • The Drag & Drop builder is no longer supported for building emails due to emails being clipped at GMail.
  • Some performance improvements to make the sending of bulk emails faster.
  • The Booking detail Audit tab now indicates if correspondence isn't sent due to being disabled on the service, client or master control.
  • Pass/Fail correspondence emails & SMS, are now sent immediately.
  • You can now set a minimum booking length for clients when they book in a particular Suburbs. This can be done under the Setup / Locations / Location menu.
  • Products and Product Categories can now be copied.
  • Updated BookingTimes' Terms and Privacy agreements to fulfill HIPAA and new Payment processing requirements.
  • Custom Forms - Checkboxes can now force users to have a mandatory check in them to proceed.
  • Clients can now be blocked from making future online bookings from the Cancel Booking and Mark Unattended screens. Previously, this was only on the Client screen.
  • Invoices for booking cancellation fees can now be automatically created. This is located under the Setup / Business Detail / Booking tab / Invoices on Cancellation option.
  • Improved client navigation after purchasing vouchers for course purchases
  • Can now store a guardian contact information for a client. Options can be turned on under the Setup / Business Detail / Clients tab.
  • The drag & drop web page builder now also supports the creation of Newsletters.
  • Numerous technical enhancements to change how admin screen pages are loaded to improve performance when logged in.
  • You can now record a Guardian against the client. This can be turned on under Setup / Business Detail / Clients tab.
  • Added Staff Services Text & Job Title to Email & SMS correspondence placeholders.
  • Added new recipient types for newsletters.
  • Clients can now be blocked from making online bookings from the 'Booking / Mark as Unattended' menu.
  • Added 'Email Working' column to the Course Attendees page.
  • Emails can now be sent directly from the Client and Organisation pages. Previously, the 'Send Email' link would open the mail program and were not logged.
  • Added support for USB card readers for admin users. You can buy a cheap card reader on Amazon .
  • Clients can now save and reuse their own credit card information. This lets them reuse it the next time they make a booking. Disclaimer: Credit card data is not stored at BookingTimes and doesn't change any other existing functionality.
  • Discount coupons can now be applied to a Product Sale. Discount coupons for bookings, only apply to the Booking Services and not the products - this is also indicated on the Booking Detail page.
  • Self training options are now shown on dashboard. Only the available options based on the staff member's security settings are shown.
  • Added Cities & Boroughs to suburb terminology. This can be changed under Setup / Business Detail / Location tab.
  • The sending of bulk email newsletters can now be stopped. Emails already sent, cannot be recalled.
  • Localities are now shown on the courses report.
  • The course summary screen now has a link at the top to find people with unused vouchers.
  • BookingTimes can now send system wide alerts to your dashboard We will of course be limiting this for urgent information & alerts.
  • System wide notifications can now be added to any public facing page using the  button on the toolbar.
  • Zero-valued services that are marked as paid with a Voucher now described as "Paid" and not "Attended".
  • You can now update the client's credit card details directly on the client record.
  • Courses & Services at other locations, can now have multiple addresses. This is instead of 1 service per course. This can be enabled under Setup / Business Detail / Location tab / Show Localities on Courses.
  • Upgraded confirm pages to improve rendering on mobile devices.
  • Free services will now consume a client voucher if available when clicking the 'Mark as Attended' button.
  • Client addresses have been split from a single field into multiple fields.
  • Follow up & Birthday correspondence emails now contain an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.
  • You can now specify invoices to always be emailed on payment instead of turning them on for individual payments. This is under Setup / Business Detail / Finances tab.
  • Applying Bulk changes to your schedule, now also sets public/private notes into the first slot.
  • Age has been added to the course attendees screen.
  • Multi-day courses can now be scheduled on the booking screen. Attendees added to day 1 are automatically added to subsequent scheduled days.
  • Facebook sharing links have been updated to comply with Facebook's new structures.
  • Some fixes for mobile devices have been applied due to recent mobile operating system upgrades.
  • We've created an easy-to-use, full screen drag & drop editor that can be used to create published pages.
  • Courses can now be scheduled across multiple days. Adding or removing attendees to the first day will propagate through to subsequent days.
  • Updating gift terminology on public facing screens to help streamline the purchase of gift certificates & vouchers.
  • Dashboard Action tab is now color-coded based on urgency.
  • Dashboard Follow ups now have the client's mobile number.
  • New Pass/Fail report which lists clients who passed or failed within a specified period and/or service.
  • Staff Pass/Fail performance report shows performance rates of clients passing/failing within a specified period and/or service.
  • Allied health clinics can now enter detailed SOAP notes broken down into sections and also highlight the relevant areas by clicking on the body.

    This can be configured for each service under Setup / Services / Service / Options tab / Session Note Type (change to SOAP Note with clickable body image).

  • Removed coupons from newsletters. This was old functionality and not well understood.
  • Mobile bookings now display a clickable map pin next to the address & drop off address.
  • The upcoming bookings PDF (shown on the Client History tab) now includes a paid/unpaid indicator for bookings that also incur a cost.
  • Added expected & current revenue to the service trends report.
  • Course moved notifications are no longer sent if only the person running the course is changed.
  • Booking page note counts, now include the current note.
  • Drop off addresses are now displayed in the Staff Notification email.
  • Course moved notifications are now automatically sent to each course member if the course is moved.
  • Additional email & SMS content for correspondence can now be setup for each service under the Options tab.
  • Added extra POLiPay functionality to due support new clients on the POLiPay payment platform.
  • Added some stunning new tools (for the BookingTimes team) to better track usage, monitor errors & find hidden performance bottlenecks.
  • Course moved notifications are now automatically sent to each course member if the course is moved.
  • Changes to our Support T&C can be seen by clicking on the above Support tab.
  • Changing the checklist type on a booking is now working correctly again on mobile devices.
  • Client notes now span over multiple pages - they were getting to the size where they were
  • Invoice notes can now be set for invoices made under the Sales menu.
  • Added security settings to be able to lock down product prices on sales & bookings.
  • Back-to-back booking restrictions can now be made in 30 minute intervals.
  • Client account balances can now be used by the client when making a booking.
  • Website SEO & Tracking options now have their own menu instead of being under the Home Page. Now located under Setup -> SEO / Tracking. Also added links to Google Analytics.
  • Business owners can now edit their Domain's DNS details under Setup / Domain (if their DNS is being hosted by BookingTimes)
  • Service that use Localities, can now group those localities into Regions.
  • Memberships products can now be setup and these viewed from the Membership detail page. Final implementation where membership sales can be setup is expected towards the end of the week.
  • You can now add in additional service information to be included on SMS & Email against individual services in Setup / Services. This will be included in the Correspondence at the end of the week.
  • Added a new Staff Performance report to see sales by sales person. For further breakdown of sales, the Product Sales report can now be filtered to show breakdown for each sales person.
  • Newsletters can now be copied by opening a newsletter, clicking the "Send Again..." button and then "Copy to a new Newsletter" link.
  • Adding or removing clients to a Membership group, can now automatically sign them up a marketing sequence.
  • Extra client fields can now be received on the Client's Signup screen. You can add them under the Setup menu / Client tab. Note: Too many fields WILL reduce signups.
  • Custom data entry forms when signing up for a course, are now displayed in their entirety on the Booking Detail page.
  • Client Search now allows you to view the client note in the results.
  • If a course is now set as Admin bookings only, the scheduling is now displayed on your website with "Please Call to Book".
  • The Cancellation fee can now be displayed on the client's cancellation email.
  • Clients can now be assigned to a Marketing Sequence when they purchase a product.
  • Checklists can now be printed & emailed from both the booking & client screens. They can also made public to the client portal from the Setup / Checklists menu.
  • BookingTimes now support POLiPayments for Australian and NZ customers for the shopping cart which give you cheaper transaction rates than credit card payment gateways.

    Signup for an account here: https://www.polipayments.com/Sell and add your POLiPay authentication details under Setup / Business Detail / Finances / Payment Gateway

    Payment for online bookings is not supported due to slow offsite processing.

  • Unpaid bookings can now be more easily seen on the booking/client history tab.
  • Can now restrict clients to a certain number of bookings per week or month.
  • The text on the client's history tab has been reduced to improve readability.
  • If a booking invoice is packaged into another invoice, a link to the invoice package is now shown on the booking page.
  • A staff member's profile page now shows the files tab so that they can access their documents without going to the Staff or Client menu.
  • Post booking buffers can now be set on Tasks.
  • Users can now view saved draft session notes. This will help to find lost note data that was accidentally removed.
  • Course addresses can now be adjusted on the booking page. This allows you to run a course in different areas without needing multiple course definitions. This also helps to allocate vouchers for a specific course.
  • The Dashboard updates are now live. Track actions, follow ups and additional filtering.
  • Automatic package payments are now live. Create a sale as normal, then click on the "Create Payment Plan" link under the Sales menu next to the Pay Now button. Note: You must have a credit card payment gateway. Any vouchers will initially be allocated on full payment of the package, however, there are ways to maneuver around this requirement. Further upgrades are be coming, please send us an email and let us know what you'd like to see support@bookingtimes.com
  • To stop some phone carriers from flagging SMS as spam, the confirmation link now loads your website on the https://yesconfirm.me link instead of adjusting the URL. Some are noticing the URL is changing and are automatically flagging them spam.
  • Correctly applied the timezone to the Account Balance history, client history paid & cancelled dates.
  • Emergency Contacts now included on daily runsheets.
  • Stopped search engines from tracking through to each Book Now link.
  • You can now add a survey link to a newsletter.
  • Newsletter images are now defaulted to 100% width to stop the image being skewed on mobile devices.
  • Pass/fails now show on the Client Booking and All Clients report.
  • Added an option for Commissions to only calculate cancellation payments if the time slot has not been rebooked.
  • Added new security options to lock down payment types, alterations of schedule and future bookings for staff.
  • Bulk delete link now shown correctly on the client screen.
  • Cancellations can now automatically generate email correspondence
  • Vouchers are now created invidually instead of handled as an overall quantity. There will be a few updates later in the week to plug any usability gaps.
  • Vouchers now support expiry dates.
  • The Client History tab no longer shows the balance refunded as a column. Instead, the cancelled column shows any cancellation fees that apply.
  • Saved credit cards can now be removed from a client.
  • File uploads have been increased to 2GB. First 10GB of data is free and then 10c per GB / month.
  • Invoices no longer show paid voucher amounts in the totals.
  • Fix: Google Chrome's latest version was stopping the client from being selected on the Booking confirmation screen.
  • The Booking tab now shows the number of bookings next to the client's name.
  • New Staff Audit trail report shows booking, payment & cancellation activity of users. Located under the Reports / Staff / Audit Trail menu.
  • SMS payments are now be paid monthly as opposed to longer be based on SMS balance. This reduces the number of invoices that you will receive and also stop credit card issues preventing SMS reminders from being sent.
  • You can now view a client's login history using the  icon on the client screen.
  • You can now view a client account balance history using the  next to the client's balance on the client screen.
  • You can now use multiple 1 hour vouchers to pay for a 2 hour service.
  • Trainer sequential booking restrictions used to restrict the length of the lesson that was able to be selected by the client. Clients can now book any lesson up to the maximum public booking length.
  • The dashboard's "Message of the Day" is now included on Trainer emailed runsheets.
  • Further improvements to stop Google Chrome from automatically entering emails into strange fields. This is Chrome issue caused by Google.
  • You can now specify the redeemable voucher value for services within a Voucher Package.
  • The payments screen no longer shows the voucher payment option if there are no vouchers available. The Account payment option is also hidden if no funds are available.
  • Automatic voucher payments can be turned off when making a booking. This can be done under the Setup / Business Detail / Rules tab, "Automatically pay for a booking if a voucher is available" option.
  • The email log will now only store the content of emails for 6 months. The log will still show that you sent the email.
  • A new security option to restrict Client Search so Trainers can only see their own clients.
  • Added an extra field for the client's middle name. Can turn this on under Setup / Business Detail / Rules / Additional Client Fields.
  • The "Set Booking Note" button has been removed from the Booking Screen / Notes tab. You can still use the "Set Session Note" in the menu to add the session note.
  • Cancellation rates can now be defaulted to be a fixed amount instead of a percentage.
  • Can now create dedicated website landing pages under Marketing / Custom Pages.
  • Weekly booking header is now fixed to the top of the screen when scrolling.
  • Added report to show blockages for medicare bulk billing.
  • Moving a course now navigates correctly when changing staff member.
  • The booking screen now shows a client's age.
  • Room fees for commissions are now only allocated if the booking cost is not free.
  • The client booking report has been redesigned to better export to Excel.
  • The public facing bookings page with multiple staff, can now be randomized.
  • The Setup / Staff / Services page now loads much faster.
  • Attempt to stop the Google Chrome browser from defaulting the unrelated information into the client screen.

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