Refunding a product sale
  • 13 Aug 2024
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Refunding a product sale

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Article summary

This guide will show you how to refund a product sale (e.g. a package of prepaid driving lesson vouchers, a physical book etc). First you will delete the sale, and then create the refund.

It's important to note that this is a 2-step process so the financials are kept accurate:

  1. Delete the sale: the sale amount will be credited to the client's Account Balance

  2. Create the refund: using the amount that was just added to the client's Account Balance

    1. Refunds directly back to the client’s credit card are also possible if you’re using the integrated BookingTimes online payment system.

This article will outline both of these processes.

Refunding Afterpay purchases

The process to refund is exactly the same as it is for a credit card.

When you're on the relevant Product sale to refund, the correct Afterpay transaction ID will automatically appear once you enter the amount to be refunded into the Credit field, and you can complete this refund process.

Delete the product sale


  1. Navigate to the relevant Product sale

  2. Click Delete Product Sale

    1. If it's for a prepaid voucher product type, this will also remove any associated prepaid vouchers

    2. If the prepaid vouchers have been transferred or redeemed to the client's Account Balance, ensure their final balance is correct because once the sale is deleted then it will also be added to the client's Account Balance.

  3. Confirm the deletion of the Product Sale

  4. The Product Sale is now marked as Deleted. IMPORTANT - keep this window open in your browser as the refund will be triggered from this product sale.

  5. If you click on the client’s name above - it will take you back to the client’s record. Here you can verify that the purchase amount for the package, has been added to the client’s account balance, ready for the next step of issuing a refund.

    1. Click on the history clock icon to see a full breakdown of the client’s account history.

Create the sale refund

Now that the Product Sale has been deleted and the amount is on the client’s account balance, you can now issue the refund.

For extra details regarding credit card refunds through the BookingTimes online payment system, please see the Refunding to a credit card section further in this article.


  1. IMPORTANT - ensure you still have the sale in focus from the previous step where you cancelled the sale. If you don’t

    1. Navigate to the client’s record

    2. Select the History tab

    3. Click on Show Deleted Records link which will be at the bottom right of the transaction table.

    4. Click on the greyed out deleted transaction

  2. Select New in the top menu and then select Refund 

  3. Enter Refund Description

  4. Enter Refund Value in the appropriate field (Cash, Credit or Other)

    1. If you enter a value into the Credit field, it will automatically add the transaction ID details to refund back to the card that the original sale was purchased with. Please see the Refunding to a credit card section further in this article for more details.

  5. Choose whether to deduct from the client's Account balance (if you cancelled the sale previously this amount will be on the client's Account Balance ready to be refunded)

  6. Click Refund

  1. Select Email Refund from the side menu to notify the Client

Refunding to a credit card

If you are using the BookingTimes online payment system, you can do an online refund automatically directly back to the credit card.

  • The credit card transaction ID will automatically be added for full traceability and to avoid any disputes.

  • You may choose whether or not to refund the surcharge.

  • You may choose to automatically send funds to the card, or you may manually transfer them afterwards.

The key point is to ensure that you have selected the original booking/sale that was purchased with the credit card, so that we can refund back to that same card, and with full traceability of the transaction ID that is allocated.

Finding the original booking/sale

  1. Go to the relevant client profile or booking and click on the History tab.

  2. Here you will see the full list of bookings/sales for that client, and those which have a Transaction ID (Trans # column) were paid by credit card.

  3. If we wanted to refund the Web Sale on Thu 23/05/2024 for the 5 × 1 Hour Auto lessons below, we would select that record, and then trigger the refund process from there as described earlier in this article.

Please refer to the Troubleshooting refunds article if a refund is declined.

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