Identification Documents
  • 18 Jul 2024
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Identification Documents

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Article summary

This feature is available on these plans (view pricing)

Kick Starter
Nail & Scale

Identification is shown on the client profile. Identity types are custom and can have weightings meaning the client is required to upload identification documents until 100 points of identity documents have been uploaded.

Enable identification

  1. Navigate to Setup > Business Detail > Clients > Identification 

  2. Check Allow identification to be uploaded.

Add identity document type

  1. Following on from the above screen, click on the Mangage Identity Types link

  2. Click Add Document Type

  3. Name the document type and set the weighting

  4. Click Save


You can either set the weighting to 100 points meaning only a single document is required to be uploaded or you can add multiple document types with weighting points that add up to 100 meaning multiple documents must be uploaded.

Identity document - add

Add an identity document to a clients profile

  1. Go to a clients profile by Searching for a Client

  2. Scroll down to Identity Documents

  3. Click Add Identity Document

  4. Select the document type you wish to upload

  5. Select the identity document file you wish to upload

Once an identity document has been uploaded, the clients identity can be verified by an admin by clicking Verify Identity.

Require proof of identity on a service

  1. Navigate to Setup > Bookings > Services > Select a service > Options

  2. Scroll down to Require Proof of Identity

  3. Check Require the proof of client's identity

Require proof of identity on an online course

  1. Navigate to Setup > Bookings > Online Courses > Select a course

  2. Scroll down to Require Proof of Identity

  3. Check Require the proof of client's identity

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