Enable API
  • 08 Dec 2024
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Enable API

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Article summary

BookingTimes has some functions available to external systems via our API. To access it, you need a Public API Key.

This article details how to Enable Access to the BookingTimes API on your website.

Enable Access

To enable this API Key follow these steps:

  1. On your BookingTimes website, navigate to Setup > Integrations > External Integrations

  2. Under BookingTimes, click on Enable API Access

  3. Click on Yes, Enable API

  4. Copy your new API Key. This Key will only be visible once, so be sure to save it on your end.

  5. Use this Key while calling the API.

Regenerate Key

If you have forgotten your API key, you must generate a new one, following these steps:

  1. On your BookingTimes website, navigate to Setup > Integrations > External Integrations

  2. Under BookingTimes, click on Manage Key

  3. Click on Generate New Key

  4. Copy your new API Key. This Key will only be visible once, so be sure to save it on your end.

  5. Use this New Key while calling the API.

Disable Key

To Disable your access, follow the previous guide and on step 3.Click on Disable API Key.

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