Adding Facebook Messenger/ Facebook Chat
  • 01 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Adding Facebook Messenger/ Facebook Chat

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Article summary

This guide will detail how to add the Facebook Messenger chat plugin to your website.

Setup messenger chat on your Facebook account


You'll first need to active the messenger plugin for your website on your Facebook business account by following this guide:

Once you've completed the chat plugin, you can copy and paste the provided code into your website header.

Copy the provided code to your website header


  1. Copy the provided code from the messenger chat setup
  2. Login to your BookingTimes website and Navigate to SetupWebsite ContentHomepage & Footer
  3. Click on the Top Bar tab
  4. Click ViewSource code
  5. Paste the provided code into the source code editor
  6. Click Ok
  7. Click Save All

Test the plugin

Logout of your website and wait a few seconds. The plugin should appear on your website.


You can control the positon i.e. left or right of the plugin on your website, as well as the content displayed by the plugin, on your Facebook Business account.

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