Creating a snippet
  • 21 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Creating a snippet

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Article summary

BookingTimes allows you to make snippets for the drag and drop editor. These snippets let you drag pre-formatted content onto the webpage. This article will detail how to create a snippet for the drag and drop editor. If you would like to learn more about using the drag and drop edit, you can do so here: How to edit your website using the website editor.

image.pngSnippets on the right hand side which can be dragged onto the webpage



  1.  Navigate to Setup > Website Content > Edit Website
  2. Click Edit Snippets on the bottom right of the drag n drop editor

  1. Click Add Snippet

4. Enter snippet name and category. Please save the snippets to a category called Custom Snippets

5. Add snippet HTML code in the TinyMCE editor by clicking the source code <> icon

7. Click Save

8. Add a snippet thumbnail image, the image should be 170px wide.

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