Products overview
    • 23 Feb 2024
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    Products overview

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    Article summary

    BookingTimes allows you to sell a variety of products through the built-in online shopping store. 

    Some examples include:

    • Prepaid voucher for 1 x 1 hour remedial massage
    • Prepaid voucher package for 5 x 1 hour driving lessons
    • Gift certificate for $100
    • Books, massage oils (physical products)
    • Monthly paid gym membership
    • eBooks
    • Online driving course

    To better understand how a product is to be set up, let's summarise 2 concepts:

    • Product type: each product is allocated a product type which is pre-defined by the system
    • Product category: each product is allocated an over arching product category to allow for logical grouping of those types

     These are set up within the Setup > Shopping > Products & Packages area of the system.

    You must have online payments enabled for customers to purchase through the store. See Setting up online payments

    Product types

    There are a variety of products types supported, including:

    • Prepaid/Voucher - services & bundles: creates a prepaid voucher that can be redeemed for an existing service or bundles existing services into a package. This can optionally be restricted to certain locations also.
    • Gift certificates: monetary vouchers that can be redeemed on any product/service.
    • Physical products: physical products that can be purchased, posted and ability to do a stocktake.
    • General service: additional to your services that you don't need to book. e.g. service scuba equipment, government transport fee
    • Membership: one time or recurring memberships. e.g. gym memberships, online health tribe support group.
    • Downloadable fileany digital products that clients can download. e.g. free eBook, paid reference guide.
    • Online course: a full online course created by using the Learning Management System.
    • Product bundle: allows you to create a product which include other products.
    • Account management: these increase the client's account balance and are generally used internally only and not visible to the public. e.g. take any booking deposits.

    For details on how to create products, please select the product type name above and it will take you to the relevant article.

    Product categories

    Before products are created, they are first grouped into product categories for a more logical grouping. 

    For example, group any bundled services, group any individual vouchers, and group any online courses into another so the client can easily navigate what they're looking for.

    Product categories

    For details on how to create these categories, please refer to Creating product categories article and then the other subsequent articles on how to create the various product types.

    Marketing groups for products 

    Marketing sequences and membership groups can also be allocated upon the purchase of a product on the Marketing tab. Please see the Marketing sequences, and Creating membership groups articles for more details.

    Product - marketing tab

    Filtering products by location

    This feature is available on these plans (view pricing)

    Kick Starter
    Nail & Scale

    A product can also be filtered based on a client's location. This means when the client selects their suburb, they will only see products (e.g. prepaid vouchers and packages etc) that are valid for that location.

    Please refer to the Filtering your products page by location article for more details.

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