- 05 Oct 2022
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Navigating BookingTimes
- Updated on 05 Oct 2022
- 1 Minute to read
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Upon logging in to the system you will usually be taken to the Dashboard or Bookings screen. You can navigate around the system by using the menu links at the top of the page. The links that you have available will depend on the security settings chosen by the business owner.
Most staff will have access to the Dashboard, Bookings, Courses, Sales and Clients menu. These pages are described below:
Dashboard: Displays notices, statistics related to sales and bookings, and messages.
Bookings: Displays the calendar and is where online bookings are created and managed.
Courses: Is where courses and course attendees are managed
Sales: Provides the tools to create and manage sales, invoices and quotes
Clients: Provides the tools to add and manage clients