Booking administration forms
  • 29 Feb 2024
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Booking administration forms

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Article summary

A booking administration form allows administrators (not publicly to clients) to add extra booking administration fields onto a booking for a service.

Creating a booking administration form


  1. Navigate to Setup > Bookings > Services > select a service > Options tab

  2. Click on Manage Booking Administration Forms link

  1. Click on Add Form button

  1. Complete the form details and click Edit Form link

  1. Drag and drop fields onto the central panel to add them:

    1. Enter field details on the right

    2. Drag fields off the form to remove them

    3. Click Save

Adding a booking administration form to a web booking


  1. Navigate to Setup > Bookings > Services > select a service > Options tab

  2. Select a form from the Booking Administration Form drop down list

  3. Click Save

Completing a booking administration form


  1. Navigate to a booking that has a booking administration form allocated to that service

  2. Click the Edit button

  1. Complete the booking administration fields

  2. Click Save

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