Adding text placeholders
  • 13 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Adding text placeholders

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Article summary

There are a number of text placeholders you can use in the HTML to auto-populate with business information. These include:

  • Business Name

  • Staff Name

  • Business Address

  • Business Email

  • Business Phone Number

  • Product Name

List of placeholders






This is pulled from the business name under Setup > Business Detail


@StaffNamexx where xx is the staff ID for example @StaffName1234

The staff ID can be found Under Setup > Staff. Click on the staff profile and look at the ID in the URL bar


This is pulled from the business email under Setup > Business Detail


This is pulled from the phone number of the first location under Setup > Locations


This is pulled from the address of the first location under Setup > Locations

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